As the school year continues and the days get shorter and darker, parents face the daily challenge of ensuring their children’s safety while they travel to and from school. Whether they ride the bus, walk, or bike, there are several ways to increase visibility and improve safety en route to school. Here are some key tips for ensuring your child is safe, no matter their mode of transportation:
Almost a third of our children here in the US ride the bus to school. Buses are generally considered one of the safest ways for our children to travel to school, but there are still important safety rules to follow.
Ensure your child wears bright-colored clothing or a backpack with reflective tape, especially during early morning or late afternoon, when visibility is lower. A brightly colored or reflective jacket, backpack, or even reflective patches on their shoes can make a significant difference.
Teach your child to stand at least six feet (about three giant steps) away from the curb while waiting for the bus. Encourage them to wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and their driver signals it is safe to board.
Remind your child to use handrails when getting on and off the bus, and always cross in front of the bus—never behind—where the driver can always see them. Encourage them to walk, not run, across the street, and to double-check for cars that may not be stopping.
Walking to school is a great way to promote exercise and build independence. With a few simple safety habits, it can also be a safe, healthy, and enjoyable experience.
Encourage your child to always cross the street at designated crosswalks and to look both ways, even if the light indicates it's safe to walk. Make sure they understand never to assume drivers have seen them.
If your child’s route has sidewalks, encourage them to always use them. Sticking to sidewalks helps keep them away from traffic and in a place that is expected and visible to drivers.
Safety in numbers is key. Walking in a group not only increases visibility but also reduces the risk of accidents or troubling encounters with strangers.
Biking to school is both fun and eco-friendly, but it requires preparation and precautions. It’s never a bad idea to bike as a family and get familiar with your route when traffic is light.
Helmets are a must. Make sure your child wears a helmet that fits properly and meets safety standards. The helmet should sit level on the head, covering the forehead, and the straps should be snug.
Bikes should have front and rear reflectors, as well as a white headlight and red tail light for added visibility. Reflective gear or stickers on the bike and helmet are also excellent safety additions.
Teach your child to obey all traffic signals and signs. They should ride in the same direction as traffic, stay in bike paths or lanes whenever available, and signal turns using hand signals. Biking on sidewalks can be safer, but it may not be permitted in certain areas, so check local regulations.
With technology advancing, many parents opt to use safety devices like GPS trackers and apps to monitor their children’s transit to school.
A device like the Littlebird LTE tracker designed for child safety can provide peace of mind for parents whose kids are walking, biking, or riding the bus to school. These devices allow on-demand location tracking, so you can ensure your child has arrived at school or back home safely.
Reflective backpacks, jackets, or even clip-on lights can drastically increase a child’s visibility, especially during early morning or late afternoon transit. These simple additions can help drivers spot children from a greater distance, ultimately reducing the likelihood of accidents.