With irregular schedules, poor sleep hygiene, increased screen activity, and other environmental factors, many of our kids are not getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. As a parent, you're right to be concerned about insufficient sleep. But what actually happens when our children don’t get enough sleep?
Sleep debt is the cumulative hours of sleep your child misses each night that add up over time. It’s like owing a little bit more sleep every day, and just like financial debt, it accrues interest, and the balance you owe can quickly become overwhelming. By the time American children are teens, it's estimated that 60-70% of them are living with borderline to severe sleep debt.
This study from the University of Maryland sheds light on the consequences of inadequate sleep for our children. The study found that kids with insufficient sleep faced more mental health and behavioral challenges, such as impulsivity, stress, depression, anxiety, and aggressive behavior. In addition, their cognitive functions, including decision-making, conflict-solving, working memory, and learning, were also impaired.
Sleep isn’t only about rest. It is critical for your child’s physical health, mental acuity, and emotional well-being. Insufficient sleep accumulating in long-term sleep debt is also linked to an increase in chronic health issues later in life.
At the beginning of the research at the University of Maryland, children getting less than 9 hours of sleep each night had less gray matter or smaller volume in areas of the brain responsible for memory and attention compared to children who were getting sufficient sleep. These brain differences persisted 2 years later, demonstrating the direct harm insufficient sleep can cause over time.
If you notice persistent sleep issues or concerns, don’t hesitate to consult with your child’s pediatrician or a sleep specialist. They can provide personalized advice and interventions to improve your child’s sleep quality, as well as screen for concerning disorders like sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or other neurological or developmental factors.
By being proactive and attentive to your child’s sleep needs, you can prevent sleep debt from becoming a deeper burden. Littlebird’s smart sleep tracking technology can be a valuable resource, helping you understand and address any sleep-related challenges early on.